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"A photo can represent a thousand words."  It can mean multiple things, depending on the person you are asking. From the experiences we all have, they all are our own. Therefore, any quote can mean different things to any person. The general meaning, that most everyone gets out of it, is that a picture can say a lot more than just speaking it to somebody. You can tell someone about things that happen all day, but the key thing is "Seeing is believing." That a photo can say a lot more words than simply telling another person can.

In some cases, it can actually mean photos versus having something written on paper. Sometimes people would rather have it in the form of a letter or text, while others like to remember in photos. "I prefer to remember in a text, words create an image in my mind," said Mr. J. Tweedy, an English teacher of multiple grades at UME Prep, "I like words to create a visual or picture in my head."

It is all depending on how you view things and react to the events around you that go around. Nobody can really tell you what is right from wrong, or if you even have a point at all.

To this day, we always get told "this is what a photo means" or even a painting we may see. If it is based on the meaning, we truly can not tell another person what something means. It is not our job to tell another what it is, because photos have different meanings.

How do you see something that is happening today? Does the meaning of a photo even be different to you than your friend? Do you tend to tell someone the "true meaning" of something in your viewpoint of it?

Remember that no one has the same thought process as you.



Written by Scar Tempter

TODAY: Pictures Override Text Generation

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