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What Is a


Healthy Relationship? 

Written by Mango

What Is a Healthy Relationship

Prom Night!

What is all the hype with prom is it worth all this attention and will you even remember it when your 50?! 

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 You may associate love with stress. A lot of people do. It is normal to the majority of relationships nowadays. Some stress is okay, but too much can be toxic. Make sure your'e not in an unhealthy relationship!

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Are you in a relationship? Not doing so well with your best friend? How about your boyfriend? Girlfriend? We all have a relationship with someone whether it be a friend relationship, romantic relationship or family relationship. According to, healthy relationships are characterized by respect, sharing and trust. So basically, both people should have the same “power” and control in the relationship. Years ago, men had more control over the relationship.


There are still couples who are like this, but in today’s society, it isn’t considered a healthy relationship though there are of course exceptions.

One way to keep a good relationship and a very easy way to do this is by finding out what the other person’s love language is. There are 5 different types of love language; words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time and physical touch. If you go online to,, you can take the test to see what your love language is. Ask your loved ones what their love language is and try to express your love to them in the way that they feel loved. “My top love language is quality time.” says Hannah Daniels.


Understanding each other's love language is a key in a relationship but it is also important to be willing to sacrifice some things. For example, if your friend does not like the smell of peanuts, you should either try not to eat it in front of your friend and decide if this sacrifice is worth the relationship.  This is obviously  an exaggerated example, but there will be times where you will have to decide whether your friendship is worth what you have to sacrifice.


It can be especially hard when you have to decide between your morals/beliefs to your friendship. However you don’t always have to decide between a friend and the conflict on who’s right or wrong and what needs to be sacrificed and what doesn’t. You can just accept that the two of you have different opinions and that you respect each other's opinions whether it be different or not.


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