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Students Deal with Dual Credit Courses

Dual credit classes are offered to juniors and seniors in high school, but only some students take it. These classes help students earn college credits during high school, to minimize the hours they will have to take when they go to college. College classes can last many hours, so it is a convenient way for high schoolers to get some hours in ahead of time.


To be able to take dual credit classes, students need to take a test, which includes Mathematics and English. They need to be able to pass this test to get into a dual credit class. Dual credit offers different classes for students to take, which includes: English Composition, Statistics, Psychology, Sociology, and Government. There are many more classes offered, but these are some of the main ones that students take. Taking these classes in high school can add a great deal more work than they’re used to. It can also be more difficult and challenging than other classes students take.


Although dual credit classes can be time consuming and difficult, they can also be beneficial. Having lots of work and being challenged is a way students can get ready for college. Being prepared for college is extremely important, and will help students in the long run.


Dual credit classes can have its ups and downs, but students will not regret taking them early. It will make college life less stressful, and help prepare students for what is to come in the future.



Written by Bella

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