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Solving Sleep Problems

Week Four

Sleep is an important part of life. Many teenagers stay up far too late, on their phones, studying, or simply can't fall asleep. Whatever the issue is, here are a few ways to fall asleep and stay asleep to wake up feeling refreshed.


  • Always feel tired after getting a long night’s sleep? You're probably dehydrated; drink a big glass of water right when you wake up.

  • Take a hot/warm shower before bed, then keep your room cooled. Cool temps cause sleep, hot/warm temps cause wakefulness.

  • Too much time on your phone? Shut it down before you plug it in and plug it in away from your bed, or even better, in a different room. Do the same for any other electronics (laptop, TV, etc.).

  • Have essential oils and a diffuser? Try orange blossom, marjoram, chamomile, and lavender to promote relaxation and sleep.

  • Don't go to bed on a full stomach. You will be up late while your body digests. Instead, if you get hungry, try high carb snacks like pretzels, fresh/dried fruit, cereal, etc.

  • Love soda but have trouble falling asleep? Don't drink any caffeinated beverage after noon.

  • Love naps? Take one in the early afternoon, but for no longer than 20-30 minutes, otherwise you won't be able to fall asleep at night.


Some of these may seem ridiculous or hard, but they are totally worth the good night's sleep. I hope you can put these to good use. Let us know your sleep routines!

Source: WebMD

-L.H. Wordsmith
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