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Beep beep, *snooze*. Beep beep, *snooze*. Sound familiar? During the weekday mornings, students have to get up early to get ready for their day at school. This can be a pain to some and an exciting time for others. But generally, this would be a more frustrating and exhausting time of the day for many and most students.


A lot of us start out our mornings with the worst possible moods. They call themselves ”the not so morning person”. Shayla Carter shares how she prevents the inevitable bad attitude: “I try to play music in the mornings to start the day with a good mood.” She also says that she likes to drink coffee in the morning to keep her awake as she gets ready to go to school.


Most of us have a particular morning routine. Some make their bed as soon as they wake up, some go to the restroom and take a shower and some head straight to the refrigerator. Bloggers tell us that it is better if people have a particular routine that they follow. They say that if your morning goes right, it gives the rest of your day momentum and energy. Having a morning routine can prevent you from having to decide every morning where to start.


Although having a morning routine can be hard to stick with in the beginning, it can really help students in the long run.

Written by Mango

Morning Routines Help Students

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