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Creative Writing Sparks Students' Imagination

Written by White Chocolate

Laughter reverberated off of the brick and mortar walls of the student filled classroom. Although this class was at the end of a long hallway, the sound of such genuine happiness seemed as though it could be heard for miles. The teacher’s elegant command of the classroom seemed almost second nature, and when the bell rang, the air was filled with synonymous groans and mumbles of disappointment.


The class being described is Creative Writing, taught by none other than the venerable Mrs. Pulis. Students rave about the grand time that they have in this class: “The quality of teaching, as well as the general fun aspect of the class, makes me long for my fourth period. It truly makes my day,” declares Nic Perna.


Creative writing gives students a chance to express themselves through the means of the authorial process. The class has an aspect called workshopping, in which the class reads aloud a story or poem written anonymously by one of the students. Following this, they share their opinions on what was working for the literary work and what the author can improve on. This constructive criticism allows for the growth of each individual writer.  


In a recent interview, Mrs. Pulis stated, “Teaching the class is a true honor, the respect and admiration I receive from the students fills me with such pleasure that I just cannot help but teach joyously and fervently.”

Clearly, the students work hand in hand with the teacher to make the class truly magnificent. This class has been by far the best in 2016. The students earnestly look forward to new memories that Mrs. Pulis and Creative Writing have in store for them in this new year.

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