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Everyone has that one drink in the morning that gets them ready for the day. Normally it's a traditional coffee or a tea, but for different people it can be different drinks.


If you don't want to go out of the box, coffee is the way to go. There are about 95 mg of caffeine in one cup of coffee, giving you a boost to go out through the day. Other benefits for drinking coffee in the morning can be helping to burn fat, improving physical performance, and may even lower risks of type 2 diabetes. Coffee also has some nutritional facts that help the body:

  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.

  • Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.

  • Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.

  • Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.

One cup of coffee has all these benefits. When it comes down to it, people drink 3-4 cups daily, so they add up.


Coming off of the average Joe, many people drink teas. Starbucks teas are on the rise with their youthberry tea, passion fruit, green tea, and the chai tea. These drinks do have caffeine but just enough to spark your morning without making you a slave to the awakening caffeine.


Personally speaking, my favorite thing to drink on the way to school is my avocado and apple smoothie. Freshman year, one of my close friends always brought in this smoothy that was green. It wasn't an ugly green, but the refreshing healthy looking green. It always looked so appealing to me. My friend offered me the drink about 1000 times but I always turned it down. Trying something new was never my favorite thing. Fast forward about 4 years later to my senior year, I was getting tired of coffee and the headaches I would get when I didn't drink coffee. I decided to go through a coffee fast and change to another drink but I couldn't think of any that could also double as a breakfast. One morning I woke up early and it dawned on me. The green drink from freshman year would be something I would have to try. So I looked up directions on the internet.


Apple Avacado Smoothie:

  1. You will need apple juice, ice, any kind of apple, and half an avocado.

  2. Cut up the apple and avocado and throw it in the blender with the ice and a splash of apple juice.

  3. Blend.

  4. Drink and enjoy!


That was it. After that day it has been my go-to drink for my senior year. It taste like apple but is creamy like a smoothly from the avocado. This drink is a must try for yourself.

Written by @LINDSAY095

Different Drinks for Different People

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