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How To Study Efficiently 101

This week's theme is study tips. Having trouble remembering facts for a test? Here are a few hints that improve memory!


  • Chew gum when you study, and then chew the same type when you take the test. (However, we don't recommend this one necessarily, due to the fact that gum is not allowed in our school. But outside of school, chew away!)

  • Eating chocolate while studying helps the brain retain information.

  • Studying for 30-50 minutes at a time with 10 minute breaks in between is the most effective way to retain information.

  • If you're struggling to remember something, clench your fist. This increases brain activity and - you guessed it - improves memory!


Hopefully these tips help you. If you have another trick that helps you recall information, please let us know!

Week Two
-Sarah Liz
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