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5 Delightful Ways to De-Stress Your Day

Week Six

We all have those days. You wake up, and you’re going a million miles an hour. You don’t have any real reason why, but it seems there is an insurmountable number of things to do in the day, and how on Earth can you get through it, right? Well, here are a few ways to start off fresh each morning:


  1. Don’t hate us for this, but STAY AWAY from your iPhone first thing in the morning! Go buy an alarm clock if you must, but stay away from checking e-mail, text, news, and other social media. These things provide instant access to events that can stress us out tremendously.

  2. STEP OUTSIDE for a minute! Take a few moments to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise or the refreshing breaths of air. You’ll be amazed at how much this can brighten your morning. And it takes no more than a couple minutes!

  3. GREET YOUR PET! Our fuzzy friends have an amazing gift of taking away our stress, it’s scientifically proven! You don’t have a pet? Get one! The joy they will bring to your life is priceless. Plus, they will never get tired of the attention!

  4. KEEP A JOURNAL by your bed. Write down your thoughts and as much of your dreams as you can remember. You’ll love looking back on it in the future. In addition, keep in the beginning of the journal some affirmation statements. These are short sentences written to encourage yourself. Make them personal, and read them every morning. It’s been scientifically proven that the more you read them, the more you will believe them. Many successful artists, musicians, athletes have done this. (For example, Jim Carrey, Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey, and Lindsey Vonn all used the power of affirmations)

  5. Drink a FULL GLASS OF WATER in the morning! Not only is this habit refreshing, but it can prevent and cure diseases, fire up your metabolism, flush out toxins, rehydrate your body, and fuels your brain, which is 75% water! This is a great habit to get yourself into every morning to start your day.


Try these 5 habits everyday and see for yourself how wonderful you feel. You’ll be amazed at what a difference they can make!

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