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Baseball is one of America’s national pastime. It is a game played and enjoyed by everyone from small children to adults. Even though baseball is considered a fun and safe sport, like all other athletes baseball players occasionally experience injuries. Baseball injuries can occur suddenly or can develop over time due to overuse. Now the real question is why do UME baseball players continue to get injured? And how can it be prevented in future games?


“Because we as a team are dedicated to the point of self-harm for the game,” said UME baseball player, Jacob Hubbard “To prevent future injuries? You can’t stop dedication.”


Baseball players are typically more likely to get shoulder, ankle and head or face injuries. Common injuries include sprains, strains, fractures, and concussions. In the nature of baseball, a relatively hard ball can be thrown at high speeds, and baseball players are at a high risk for soft tissue injuries such as bruises, cuts, and scrapes; but this doesn’t stop our boys from playing the game.

UME Baseball: No Pain No Gain

Written by Genie


“Sweat, pain and gain is all a part of the game,” said one UME baseball player


Hard work is key to succeed in sports. It all starts with dedication and commitment to your goal. Committing to achieving a dream, dedicated to working hard to achieve your goals, and most importantly, to have fun while doing it!


The UME baseball team’s commitment has this inner drive to put heart and soul into playing the game. To reach potential as an athlete, a strong work ethic and a firm belief of success is a must. That’s exactly what these boys are doing! UME baseball players are dedicated to working hard; even to the point of getting hurt, because they are committed to the efforts necessary for the game. 4/10/17

UME Baseball Boys Who've Been Injured

Chandler Flaming                 Max Colvard

Levi Chun                             Isaac Prez

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