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The online student newspaper of UME Prep

Women's March on Washington

Written by Lil K


The Women’s march protest took place in Washington on January 21, 2017. This march was made to protect legislation and policies regarding human rights and other issues, including women's rights, immigration reform, healthcare reform, the natural environment, racial equality, freedom of religion, and workers' rights. It was considered a movement to "send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights".


Hashtag #whywemarch was circled all over social media and live streams were recorded during the march. “I am upset by misogyny, discrimination, racism and prejudices being endorsed and deemed OK by Trump becoming president of a world power,” said Hilary O’Haire, Boston.


Many are not okay with this current situation. “I feel that this march was very needed. It shows how we can all stand up for each other when we think that a change is needed. Women’s rights are as important as any other person's rights,” says UME student Alexis Rodriguez.


A webpage was recently created specifically for the Women’s March on Washington. Their mission states, “We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families - recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.”

"Being Feminine is BEAUTIFUL. We will continue to RISE until OUR VOICES are HEARD"- Alicia Keys

"We cannot fall into despair.This is the rebellion of a NEW AGE, and I will continue to choose LOVE" -Madonna

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