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The online student newspaper of UME Prep

Women of Color Portrayed on a Gold Coin for the First Time


Written By Lil K



For the first time in American history, Lady Liberty will be portrayed as a woman of color. Until the new coin designed by Justin Kunz was unveiled, Lady Liberty had always been depicted as a white woman. According to the Mint Chief staff “future depictions of Lady Liberty, will feature other designs to represent Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Indian Americans, and others to reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States.”


The New York Times explained that the coin will have a $100 face value, and it will commemorate the 225th anniversary of the Mint’s coin production. The Mint and the Treasury Department announced it’s going on sale April 6, 2017. It will be 24 karats and will weigh about an ounce. However, coins like this are not for everyday use but are minted for collectors in limited quantities.


UME Prep junior Stephanie Sierra said, “It is a good thing because it is a way of showing equality amongst different cultures in the U.S.” It is a new way of speaking for the different ethnic groups. “Part of our intent was to honor our tradition and heritage,” Rhett Jeppson, the principal deputy director of the Mint. “As we as a nation continue to evolve, so does Liberty’s representation,” Elisa Basnight, the chief of staff at the Mint told CNN.

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