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The online student newspaper of UME Prep

Many people may say lost underwater cities are myths. But the discovery of a mysterious never-before-seen underwater city has been revealed to the public.


Jasper Hamill, a reporter from the UK says, “A mysterious lost continent has been discovered underneath the island of Mauritius.”This ‘lost continent’ is known as Maturita and is believed to be a prehistoric landmass that was lost 84 million years ago. This ‘lost continent’ had a great span that has covered a large portion of the Indian Ocean before it disappeared.


In 2015, researchers visited Mauritius to study volcanic rocks. While searching they unearthed something unexpected. They found ancient crystals which seemed to be about 3 billion years old- older than the island of Mauritius. Their discovery led to another discovery that the crystals they’ve  found must have been from a place buried beneath the island.“They've found ancient crystals surrounded by younger rocks,” says John Valley, a geoscientist at the University of Madison-Wisconsin.  


Lewis Ashwal, a professor from South Africa had proposed that there was quite possibly a slab of land was underneath Mauritius. After finding mysterious Zircon crystals, Ashwal and his team suspected that here was a mysterious continent.


Since its discovery, scientists from all over the world have come to see this ‘lost continent’ and make predictions as to how it disappeared. They have predicted that Maturita was part of a supercontinent called Gondwana. This was part of Pangea which later formed South America, Antarctica, Africa, Madagascar, and Australia. “Earth is made up of two parts--continents which are old, and oceans which are ‘young’ says Ashwal. Ashwal’s idea about the lost continent is that volcanic magma oozed out of Earth’s mantle, and buried it.



Many people still may wonder if it's really there. The only way to know for sure is to see it for yourself.          

Lost Underwater Continent

Written By JT

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