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Apple or Samsung 



Who’s Better? Apple or Android?

    The Apple and Android (Samsung) debate has circulated over social media for a long time now. Apple users claim that Apple is way better than Android and Android claims the exact opposite. Apple is such a huge company that it outways the Android phones because of their diversity.

    Android has many different types of different brands of phones while Apple only has about 10 different phone versions. Android offers many music downloading free while Apple has itunes and you have to pay. Here is what Marc Cuban a Chairman of HDNet and owner of the Dallas Mavericks has to say about this controversy, "With Android I get to choose from many different products from many different phone manufacturers. With iOS, I get what Apple gives me. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not always the best fit for my personal or business communication needs."

On the other hand, Apple has many advanced apps and tools that Android doesn’t. Apple also has advanced apps that get released early while Android has to wait a few weeks for them to be released. Apple has and app store where you go search for any apps that you want to download and Android has Google play to download apps. Android offers a wide selection of apps and some think that it is easier to use.Apple is also the most used around the U.S even though Android has a better ability to support mobile payments.

    I may think that Android is better but not everyone thinks the way I do, here is what Alex Godin a tech entrepreneur had to say, "The simplicity and ease of use was just hard to beat. Android tries to do too many things and doesn't do any of them well." It is very clear that the Apple and Android debate will continue as long as the both exist.

Written by Karina Gaona

Which one is better?

 Do you think Apple or Samsung is better we tell you our opinion so let us know your's!

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